PhD workshop program

The 12th International Conference
on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism
15-17 September 2022
Zagreb, Croatia

[IAML3 2022] PhD workshop program – download PDF (ver. Sept. 13)


Registration (Library Lobby)


  Room: D1 Room: D2
15:00 Diez-Guiral, Uxue

Multilingual Classrooms: interactions between Gender, Language Anxiety and Classroom Interaction


Discussant: Pernelle Lorette


15:30 Breit, Robin

EuroComGerm – Germanic intercomprehension with English as L1


Discussant: Raphael Berthele


Brinkmann, Lisa Marie

Motivation in the French classroom – A case study of the influence of portfolio work on the L3 learning experience


Discussant: Pernelle Lorette


16:00 Wurzer, Karoline

Perceived comprehensibility of diatopic varieties. The case of learners of French as a foreign language


Discussant: Raphael Berthele


Guzmán Alcón, Irene

Do language model and mother tongue have an influence on teacher’s language attitudes?


Discussant: Lidija Cvikić


Coffee break


17:00 Brown, Megan

The acquisition and development of L3 German grammatical gender: A longitudinal study


Discussant: Jason Rothman


Gerwers, Franziska

Mediation – duty or opportunity? Exploring teachers’ beliefs towards (cross-linguistic) mediation


Discussant: Pilar Safont

17:30 Martinez Buffa, Ignacio

Engagement with languages in emergent multilinguals: collaborative writing and awareness


Discussant: Danuta Gabryś-Barker


Gayete Dominguez, Gema

Teaching pragmatics through pedagogical translanguaging: a proposal for primary and secondary education


Discussant: Stela Letica Krevelj


18:00 Further discussion over drinks



ver. Sept 13, 2022